Privacy statement

Version 01.2018

The protection of your personal data is important to us and we want to be transparent about the way we use your data. For this reason, we have drafted this statement to inform you about how we treat your personal data.

In this statement, we tell you:

- What personal data we collect from you;
- For what purpose we use it;
- What lawful basis we have to use it;
- The type of parties we share it with;
- How we protect your personal data; and,
- What rights you have regarding your personal data.

This privacy statement applies to personal data collected by PACCAR Holding B.V. entities and its subsidiaries, including DAF entities, Leyland and PACCAR Financial entities. Whenever we collect personal data from you in another context than on this website, we will give more specific information additional to the information in this statement, if required.

This statement was last updated on 20 August 2018 and will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.

We have tried our best to make this statement as concrete and complete as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) in case you have any questions or concerns regarding this statement:

We are committed to treating your personal data with care. We will use it according to the appropriate security standards and delete it once we do not need it anymore. We will only collect the personal data we need in order to fulfill the purposes we have communicated to you. Finally, we will keep your data as accurate and up to date as possible.

The entities and subsidiaries of PACCAR Holding B.V. are the controllers for the processing of your personal data. In section 7 you can find contact information if you want to use any of your rights regarding the personal data we have collected from you. “PACCAR”, “we”, “us” and “our” in this statement refers to entities and subsidiaries of PACCAR Holding B.V., such as DAF entities, Leyland and PACCAR Financial entities.

Below follows an overview of the types of personal data we process from you . We have also included the purpose we use this personal data for, and the lawful basis for the processing of your personal data.

If we process your personal data in a substantially different way than mentioned below, we will inform you about this separately.

What categories of personal data do we process? Why do we process your data? Lawful basis
Browser history and browser settings, such as pages accessed, date and time accessed and location, IP-address and device from which website is accessed To maintain and improve our website and monitor our website’s performance and the use of our website and enhance your browser experience. Legitimate business interest
Name, email address, phone number, address To contact you with the communication you requested, either a newsletter or when you make a query on a contact page on our website or a request for information. Legitimate business interest
Online job application form including curriculum vitae, contact information, such as your name, email address, phone-number, address, For the recruitment of new employees. Consent

Customers can be either direct customers of PACCAR or customers of authorized dealers (like DAF Importers, DAF Dealers, DAF Service Partners and TRP Parts Distributors) the latter in so far as PACCAR is the controller for the processing of the personal data for such indirect customer.

In case your employer is a customer, we process limited amount of your personal data, for example your contact information and identification for example to manage the contract, build and maintain customer relations and for service and support.

Type of personal data Purpose Lawful basis
Name, address, telephone number, email address, Vehicle Identification Number and when needed ID-number, copy ID, tax-number, bank account-number, financial data such as credit ratings. Preparation and performance of contract for sale and delivery of products and services also including webshop purchases

Fulfilment of regulatory compliance
Contractual obligation

Legitimate interest
Name, address, telephone number, email address, Vehicle Identification Number. To build and maintain customer relations

To inform you about products and services that might be of your interest

For market research and business intelligence purpose

For the participation in loyalty-programs

For the participation in surveys and training
Legitimate interest
Name, address, telephone number, email address, Vehicle Identification Number, vehicle number plate. For service and support, emergency assistance on the road, warranty, field actions and recall campaigns. Legitimate interest

In case your employer is a business partner of PACCAR, we process limited amount of your personal data, for example your contact information and identification for example to manage the contract, keep track of training records and provide you with access to relevant IT-systems.

Type of personal data Purpose Lawful basis
Name, address, telephone number, email address and when needed ID-number, copy ID, tax-number, bank account-number, financial data such as credit ratings. Preparation and performance of contract with you and/or your employer also including webshop purchases.

Fulfilment of regulatory compliance
Contractual obligation

Legitimate interest
Name, address, telephone number, email address, User-ID, Browser history and browser settings, such as pages accessed, date and time accessed and location, IP-address and device from which website is accessed To provide access to IT systems, webshops and web-portals. Legitimate interest/Contractual Obligation
Name, address, telephone number, email address. To build and maintain relations

To inform you about products and services that might be of your interest

For market research and business intelligence purpose

For the participation in loyalty-programs

For the participation in surveys, training and quality assessments
Legitimate interest

In case your employer enters into a contract with PACCAR for DAF Connect or any other data-logger, your vehicle will be monitored remotely for example in order to gather data from your vehicle. Although these data relate to the vehicle, rather than the driver, these data become personal data in case we might be able to indirectly identify the driver. This is however not our intention.

Type of personal data Purpose Lawful basis
Vehicle Identification Number, vehicle number plate, GPS-coordinates, date and time, Driver ID. To analyse the performance of the vehicle and optimize the quality and performance of our products and services,

To conduct remote diagnostics and repair and maintenance planning,

To provide, if requested via ITS, emergency assistance on the road

To fulfil contractual obligations.
Legitimate interest
Name, email-address, address, phone-number To facilitate your participation in driving competition. Consent

Data from public sources:
Please be aware that we also collect data from (public) sources such Credit Agencies, Chambers of Commerce etc.

How long do we keep your personal data?
We keep your personal data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes we collected it for, within the legal limits and our own internal policies for retention.

We share your information with PACCAR related entities, which fall under the same data protection standards. Besides our own entities, we also share personal data with some third parties, summarized in the next section.

Categories of parties we share personal data with
We share personal data with the following types of organizations:

- Authorized dealers
- Suppliers
- IT Suppliers
- Service Providers
- Insurance firms
- Financial, tax or legal advisors
- Central banks
- Auditors

How we protect your personal data when we share it with parties that do not fall under European data protection rules
If we share personal data with an organization that does not fall under European data protection rules nor has an adequacy decision from the European Commission, we protect your personal data by using the Standard Contractual Clauses from the European Commission, which makes sure that the parties we share your personal data with uphold the same or similar standards of data protection as we do.

We care about protecting the availability, integrity and availability of your personal data. We have implemented a number of security measures to help protect your personal data. For example, we implement access controls, use the appropriate system and network security measures like firewalls, patching, and protect portable devices with appropriate passwords.

Where we process your personal data, you are entitled to a number of rights and can exercise these rights at any point. We have provided an overview of these rights below together with what this entails for you. You can exercise your rights by contacting

The right to access, correct and receive a copy of your personal data
It is important to us that the personal data we hold about you is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and not misleading. In order to ensure we uphold this commitment, you have the right to access, correct or update your personal data at any time. Upon request, we will also provide you with a copy of the personal data we hold from you.

The right to data portability
You are entitled to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format if we have processed your personal data for the following legal grounds:

a) You have given consent to us to process your personal data for a purpose that we have communicated to you beforehand; or
b) We have processed your personal data in order to facilitate a contract with you; or
c) We have processed your personal data using automated means (such as profiling).

The right to deletion of your personal data
You have right to request that we delete your data if:

a) Your personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which we collected it; or
b) You withdraw the consent that you had previously given us to process your personal data, and there is no other legal ground to process that personal data; or
c) You object to us processing your personal data for PACCAR’s legitimate interests;
d) The personal data is not being processed lawfully; or
e) Your personal data needs to be deleted to comply with relevant legal requirements.

If you wish to delete the personal data we hold about you, please let us know and we will take reasonable steps to respond to your request in accordance with legal requirements.
If the personal data we collect is no longer needed for any purposes and we are not required by law to retain it, we will do what we can to delete, destroy or permanently de-identify it.

The right to restriction of processing
You have the right to request the restriction of processing your personal data if:

a) You do not believe the personal data we have about you is accurate; or
b) The personal data is not being processed lawfully, but instead of deleting the personal data, you would prefer us to restrict processing instead; or
c) We no longer need your personal data for the purposes we collected it, but you require the data in order to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
d) You have objected to the processing of your personal data and are awaiting verification on whether your interests related to that objection outweigh the legitimate grounds for processing your data.

If you wish to restrict our processing of your personal data, please let us know and we will take reasonable steps to respond to your request in accordance with legal requirements.

The right to object or withdraw consent
You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, if the processing is based on PACCAR’s legitimate interests (see section 4 for an overview). You have the right to withdraw consent for the processing of your personal data at any time, if the processing is based on your consent (see section 4 for an overview).

The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
You have the right to lodge a complaint directly with the data protection authority in your country about how we process your personal data.

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